WASP Conference 2024

We are still buzzing about our WASP 2024 Personalised Care Conference! The sun was shining in Southampton and so we were able to enjoy the stunning views from the Harbour Hotel’s terrace across Ocean Village Marina.  

We started the morning with coffee, pastries and networking in our exhibition area. It was lovely to see some familiar faces and welcome some new faces too!  

Our speakers, all thought leaders in personalised care, told stories of how they influence and integrate the personalised care agenda in their practice and they inspired us on how we can too. Alf Collins suggested that personalised care is simply good care!  

We were reminded that we are all leaders in personalised care. We were reminded that health and wellbeing grows not from the health and care we receive, but from the sum of the opportunities we have, the choices we make and the connections we form.  

We welcomed the incredible Memory Choir after lunch, whose performance brought magic to the air and showcased the power of peer support that lies in our communities.  We must harness this asset if we truly want to support people to live well.  

The discussions and networking opportunities that took place over the course of the conference were invaluable and we are confident that they will lead to new collaborations and innovations in personalised care.  

We wanted to take a moment to send a heartfelt gratitude from the hive to all who helped make WASP 2024 Personalised Care Conference the great success that it was. It was truly inspiring to see so many passionate people join together for our shared purpose, of making personalised care business as usual.  

Watch out for news about WASP 2025!  

WASP Personalised Care Conference 2024 


09:00 – 09:45 

Registration and Refreshments  

10:00 – 10:10  Welcome  
10:10 – 10:50 

Keynote – Personalised care past, present and future

Professor Alf Collins – Freelance Health Consultant 

10:50 – 11:20 

Addressing Health Inequalities in Slough through a Personalised Approach 

Dr. Priya Kumar – GP, and Health Inequalities Lead for Slough 

11:20 – 11:30 

Question and Answer 


11:30 – 12:00 

Coffee break and Exhibition 

12:00 – 12:20 

The relevance of ‘treatment burden’ in clinical practice for multiple long-term conditions.

Dr. Kate Lippiett – Nurse, and Senior Research Fellow, University of Southampton 

12:20 – 12:50 

A Personal experience of Personalised Care 

Vicki Lewis, Sarcoma Clinical Nurse Specialist, joined by patient representatives Shane & Claire

12:50 – 13:10 

How can we personalise our consultations and improve shared decisionmaking? – The OFFLOAD Project

Joanne Casey – Podiatrist and Research Fellow, University of Southampton 

13:10 – 13:20 

Question and Answer 


13:20 – 14:20 

Lunch, networking, exhibition 


14:20 – 14:50

After lunch surprise!

14:50 – 15:10 

Evaluating Personalised Care Delivery 

Louise Johnson and Matthew Wood, WASP 

15:10 – 15:30

Personalised Care in Action 

Learning from a local service about changes they are implementing

Victoria Bonham-Mason

15:30 – 15:50

Tomorrow Within Today: changing a culture one conversation at a time.

Dr. Chloe Stewart – Health Psychologist and National Clinical Advisor in Personalised care 

15:50 – 16:00 

Question and answer 


16:00 – 16:15 

Final words and Close 


From 16:15  

Refreshments on the terrace (weather permitting!) 


Speaker Biographies

Dr. Priya Kumar BEM 

GP Partner and Health Inequalities Lead Kumar Medical Centre and Transformational Clinical Lead for the Connected Care Programme, Frimley ICB

Dr Priya Kumar, a practising GP Partner at Kumar Medical Centre since 2013 has recently been appointed as the Transformational Digital Clinical Lead for the Connected Care Programme, Frimley Integrated Care Board. She has a specialist interest in taking a population health approach in tackling health inequalities.  

In her previous role as Health Inequalities Lead for Slough, she developed and clinically led the Multigenerational Household Project and Wider Determinants of Health Questionnaire. As a result of this work, she was named the ‘Digital Innovator of the Year’ 2023 at the Digital HSJ awards.

After completing the Darzi Fellowship Programme, she understood the importance of co-production and clinical leadership within the NHS. Priya has been involved in integration across the health and social care sectors by working with public health colleagues, and the voluntary sector in developing innovative pathways to improve patient outcomes on a population basis.   

"Addressing Health Inequalities in Slough through a Personalised Approach"

Professor Alf Collins

Professor Alf Collins is a Freelance Health Consultant. From 2016-2023, he was NHS England’s Clinical Director for personalised care. Shared decision making, care planning, self management support, social prescribing and health literacy sat within his policy portfolio and he helped lead on implementation of ‘Universal Personalised Care’, one of 5 key shifts for the NHS in the 2019 Long Term Plan. 

He is an internationally respected authority on person-centred care and has published widely on shared decision making, measurement in person-centred care, self management support, high value care and ‘Rethinking Medicine’  

He was a community consultant in pain management for many years and in parallel worked in a number of senior leadership roles in primary care. He also worked for a decade with the Health Foundation, helping lead applied research and implementation programmes in person centred care.  

He has honorary fellowships from RCP and RCGP and a Visiting Professorship in Healthcare Policy at Coventry University. He is a Trustee of Picker Europe and the Patients Association 

"Personalised care past, present and future"

Dr. Chloe Stewart

Dr. Chloe Stewart is the Clinical Head of Personalised care, and Health Psychologist with NHS Sussex.   With specialist interest in Behaviour Change, Shared Decision-Making and Supported Self-Management, Chloe has led, and supported many projects, focused on achieving optimal value-based healthcare for individuals, populations and systems.  With enthusiasm and passion, Chloe supports the implementation and embedding of interventions to deliver personalised care and tackle health inequalities.    

In addition, Chloe has a role with NHS England, as National Specialist Clinical Advisor for Personalised Care and MSK Conditions. 

"Tomorrow Within Today: changing a culture one conversation at a time"

Miss Joanne Casey

Since graduating from the University of Southampton in 2002, Joanne has developed a podiatry portfolio career working across the 4 pillars of advanced clinical practice. She spent 20 years within the NHS specialising in the foot in diabetes, latterly within the Mike Edmonds Foot Unit in London, where she developed her interest with the management of the acute limb. She has previously worked at worked at The Royal College of Podiatry as Professional Development LeadJoanne is currently a Senior Research Assistant for the OFFLOAD project at the University of Southampton, holds a clinical caseload within private practiceShe is also co-chair of the Legs Matter coalition where she enjoys working alongside a multi-professional team to support foot and lower limb health, to reduce the impact of unnecessary harm. 

"How can we personalise our consultations and improve shared decision–making? - The OFFLOAD Project "

Dr. Kate Lippiett 

Dr Kate Lippiett (BA (Hons), MSc, RGN, PhD) has worked in the NHS since 1999, first in general management, completing the NHS management training scheme in 2003. She re-trained as a nurse and specialised in respiratory nursing. Currently, Kate is Chair of the Research and Education Committee for the Association of Respiratory Nurses. In 2020, Kate completed a full-time PhD, identifying and characterising patient experiences of burden of treatment in lung cancer and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). 

Kate is a clinical academic with a joint role. First, as Senior Research Fellow at the University of Southampton, working on a multi site study aiming to provide person-centred care for patients with multi-morbidity on primary care. Second, as General Practice Nurse Clinical Research Fellow across the South West 

"The relevance of ‘treatment burden’ in clinical practice for multiple long term conditions"

Mrs Vicki Lewis

My career started 26 years ago in oncology as an Auxiliary nurse. I was supported to commence my training and on completion returned to Oncology which saw me progress to Ward Manager of the inpatient chemotherapy ward. After 13 years I took a year out to work as a Research Nurse in Lymphoma for Cancer research UK.

In 2014 I joined the Sarcoma team at Southampton as a Clinical Nurse Specialist. My role is one of keyworker to people with sarcoma, supporting them and their families throughout their care pathway. I also jointly facilitate our personalised care nurse led clinic and I am the personalised care champion for University Hospital Southampton in collaboration with the Wessex Cancer Alliance. 

"Implementation of personalised care into a dedicated nurse led clinic "

Victoria Bonham-Mason

Victoria has been a Podiatrist in the NHS for seven years, and currently works for Solent NHS, in Southampton.  The thing she enjoys most about her role is seeing people walk out of the clinic happy, whether that is now because they are free from pain, from corn removal, or feeling confident that their ulcer is on its way to healing. Before training as a Podiatrist, Victoria worked as a Football Development Officer (women’s, girls and disability), following a Sports Coaching and Management degree.

Victoria was part of a team that participated in the WASP ‘Fundamentals of Personalised Care’ Programme in the autumn of 2020.  Since this programme, Victoria’s interest in personalised care has grown and developed.  She particularly recognises the value in ensuring people are involved in their care and feel able to take ownership of their treatment plan.  This has led to Victoria’s involvement in making changes to practice within the podiatry service, which ultimately leads to better outcomes for people using the service.      

"Learning from a local service about changes they are implementing"